Funny jokes about Yomama

AI-generated dad jokes.

YOMAMA's so out of this world, she thinks NASA stands for "Need Another Shuttle, Yomama!"

Yo mama's so connected, she thinks Wi-Fi stands for “Wireless Yomama”!

Yo mama's so handy, she thinks DIY stands for "Do It Yomama"!

Yo mama's so helpful, she thinks FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Yomamas"!

Yo mama's so funny, she thinks LOL means "Lots Of Love"!

Knock knock. Who’s there?

Yomama. Yomama who? Yomama so loud, she answers the door before you knock!

YOMAMA’s so cautious, she thinks YOLO stands for “You Oughta Look Out!”

YOMAMA’s so bright, she thinks LED stands for “Light Emitting Yomama”!

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